Become A Homeowner!

Your Income Is Your Approval!


Watch the short video above to get the details of Rent To Own!

Please read the details below before you register.

Contact Information

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Other Information
Down Payment you can afford?
Monthly Payment you can afford?
Zip Code you're interested in?
How soon do you want to move?
required fields *

We will contact you within 24 business hours.

Thank you for signing up!

Stop Renting and Become A Homeowner!

If you do not qualify for a conventional mortgage but you would like to become a homeowner, then rent to own may be your best option.

It doesn't matter if you have bad credit, bankruptcy, late payments, judgments, liens, tax problems or charge offs, you can still become a home owner.

Renting to own means that you will have a rental period, and during that time you have the option to buy the house at the price that you agreed upon when you first moved in.

You will also pay a lease option fee that will apply to the purchase of the home and will reduce or eliminate the required down payment when you eventually take out a mortgage with a bank. You do not have to qualify for a mortgage now.

No matter how bad your credit situation, there were over 1 million bankruptcies in the United States last year alone... and a lot more people than that have bad credit.

You watched the short video and read all the details and we hope any questions you had have been answered. Just scroll down the web page and fill out the "Buyer Questionnaire." It will only take 5 minutes and the "Buyer Registration" is 100% free.

Your dream of home ownership can be realized if you just take action.

Once you are registered with us, you can also look at every home you see listed "For Sale By Owner" or "For Rent" that are online or has a sign in the front yard. If you come across one or more that you like, we can usually get on the phone and put together a deal with the seller of at least one of them that will make sense for you. Just let us know which properties you like. We will negotiate with the seller so that we can structure the purchase in a way that will work for your situation.